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Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory

Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory by Linda Crocker, James Algina

Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory

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Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory Linda Crocker, James Algina ebook
ISBN: 0495395919, 9780495395911
Format: pdf
Publisher: Wadsworth Pub Co
Page: 527

The concept of parallel tests is also commonly invoked as part of classical measurement theory. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation - S. Community Service Learning, Special Fall Issue,. Crocker, L., & Algina, J., (1986), Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory.HarcourtBraceJovanovichCollege Publishers. Introduction to classical and modern test theory. Introduction to Classical Modern Test Theory. Where's the community in service-learning research? For five days and provided at least 3 full days of complete data. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York: Rinehart & Winston; 1986. The new scales were analyzed using Classical Test Theory (CTT) and IRM; a reduced set of items was produced with IRM and correlated with accelerometer counts per minute and minutes of sedentary, light and moderate to vigorous activity per day after school. Crocker L, Algina R: Introduction to classical and modern test theory. In this context, a true score represents “the average score a person would obtain on an infinite number of parallel forms of a test, assuming that the person is not affected by taking the tests (i.e., assuming no practice or .. Linear Algebra - An Introductory Approach - C. Chadha, N.K (2009) Applied Psychometrics.New Delhi,India: SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory - L.

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